We went to the firestation during fire awareness week. They had a bunch of firetrucks out in the parking lot and inside they were doing some demonstrations on how quickly fires can spread in the home and what you can do to stop them and be prepared. Last but not least Smokey the Bear showed up!! Nicky certainly was weary of him and you can see the best shot I got of him was him running away. ha! After we left there we went to the candy festival in town. I forgot to take pictures of that though. Funny enough there wasn't a ton of candy there, most of the booths had some sort of candy and in the middle of the fair there was a tent for trying candy, but we didn't go in there. Instead we played some games like bean bag toss and crafts. Nicky made a spooky bracelet, a witch hand (popcorn and candy corn in a clear glove), a goodie bag, sand candy tube, a pipecleaner pumpkin stick and a few other things (can't remember). He had a great time and so did I! Toby had to work that night so he was sleeping and Gwen was with her mom, but it was a good day for Nicky and I.
Nicky living it up in the drivers seat:
The best shot I could get of him and Smokey:
Meeting the fireman, he was telling Nicky that he might look scary, but he's there to help:
Nicky's wary smile looks a lot like Ian's. Like, you know, they're related or something.
UM if I'm gonna save these piccy's you have to make them clickable!(and bigger)
(I'm just so bad.)
LOL, you think they could be related? ;) I'm going to eventually upload to my photobucket account, do you still have the password?
I think I do, it should be in my email still.
Nicky is getting so big! He is SO darn cute!
He's just too cute!
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